Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reading & Writing...

The Grace Whisperer has been eerily silent on this blog lately. But that is because she has been focusing on homeschool craziness for the last 4 months or so. There was much to read, much to research, much to decide, and much to organize. Oh, the organization!! It continues on, believe me!

So, I haven't been writing a whole lot lately, but I've been reading, and reading and reading. Reading about curriculum. Reading about teaching styles. Reading about learning styles. Reading about organization. You get the point, I'm sure.

But some of my reading has been for pure joy, and that is what prompted me to write. If you are in the mood for some really uplifting and praiseworthy blogging, please take a moment to visit "A long way from the Theta House". This lady just blows me away with her entries. She is racking up treasures in Heaven, and so are her kids.

And then, if you are interested, why not check out my other blog, "Homeschool Digression". You see, I've been doing a little writing too. :)