Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I updated my previous post to include the recipe for Garlic Lime Chicken. The link is actually to a page on Flylady, but if you're looking for the recipe you're going to have to scroll down quite a bit to find it. Does anyone know how I can include a link to a Word document in the future? I'm sure there must be a way, but I haven't had the time to really look into it. I'm sure this guy would know! But I'm afraid to ask! :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

No longer dreaming of a white Christmas!!

I know I don't write that often, but since no one complains I'm taking that to mean I write just enough!! Frankly, I enjoy reading more than writing. But that's just because at the end of the day my creative brain cells are all burnt out!!

Anyhoo, Hubby arrived home in one piece last Sunday. Life was GOOD!! Then we got snow on Thursday, and more snow on Saturday... Life was BETTER!! And we even got a tree up and almost decorated! So bring on the Christmas!! We're ready!! (Almost!)

Menu Planning Monday
Well, in the spirit of Christmas, I am trying something "new". I've been a lurker over at "I'm an Organizing Junkie", and am working on being inspired by the organizational wizzes over there taking part in "Menu Planning Monday". This is SO not my forte, people, but I'm forever working on growing in this area of my life, so I'm going to give it a shot.

Monday: Mac & Cheese with Broccoli & Hot Dogs

Tuesday: Roast with Potatoes & Carrots, possibly in a crockpot

Wednesday: Garlic-Lime Chicken (a new recipe I want to try! Thank you Flylady!)

Thursday: Lentil Soup, Crusty Bread & Salad

Friday: Mince, Mashed Potatoes & Baked Beans

Saturday: Pizza & Salad

Sunday: Baked Potato Bar

Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas assemblies

We are coming to the end of 9 days without "Daddy". We are actually doing pretty well. I've been keeping the boys and myself busy, busy, busy all week. Today was the first day of relaxation we have had since last Friday.

After Lumpadump went down for a late morning nap, Little Man asked me to build a stable for his stuffed animals. That was a first!! So, I decided the time was right to bring out the Playmobil Nativity set that I had bought last year (but had not yet given to him). It was our first experience with the Playmobil stuff, and took awhile to assemble everything, but Little Man took to it like crazy!! He played with it all afternoon and every chance he could get in the evening! No sooner had I gotten everything assembled than he quickly disassembled it all... right down to the hair and the beards!! At one point he actually came to me, pieces in hand, and asked for help putting a wiseman's beard on Mary!! Not exactly what I had pictured when I bought it!

Currently the boys are in bed and the Playmobil Nativity site looks very much like it was hit by a hurricane!! Pieces and parts are everywhere... animals and people are lying in disarray. I'd take a picture for you, but Hubby took the digital to Peru.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Amazing Race or Amazing Grace?

Haven't really said much lately. Things have been crazy around here. Hubby has been planning and organizing a missions trip to Peru for about six months. But of course as the trip got closer and closer, more and more of the details demanded our attention. Well... okay... mostly the details demanded Hubby's attention, but my job was to attend to "the little foxes" vying for Daddy's attention!! :)

Hubby left on Friday morning at 3:30, along with 5 other hubbies from our church for 10 days. They carpooled down to LaGuardia, arriving in good time. At check in, Hubby was asked if his passport had been renewed. Hubby says, "yeah, it's on page 21". Nice man says, "Yeah, I see that, but your renewal expired in August!!" DOH!!

So the adventure begins!! It's just not a mission trip 'til something goes wrong. So with this mishap, it became official! Hubby handed over his bags and the team money to the other guys and told them he'd meet up with them, and took off to get the passport renewed. Without much fuss the passport was renewed, but Hubby did not make it back to LaGuardia in time for his flight. Luckily there was another flight leaving at 1:30 and getting on this he'd be able to make his connection in Ft. Lauderdale. Unfortunately the flight was full and his ticket was non-transferable and non-refundable!! Hubby didn't know until the last minute if he would be able to get onto the plane, but he made it and they didn't even charge him!! We are so thankful for the way God poured out his grace!!

Now you may think that's the end of the story, but not so fast!! When he arrived in Ft Lauderdale he arrived with a 10 minute window, instead of the 1 hour window he should've had. and they wouldn't let him on the plane. At this point in the story, I felt like Steve was one of the contestants on The Amazing Race!! Probably should've told the powers that be that he HAD to be on that plane!!

But he did get on another plane that left at midnight, and got to Peru eventually. And really, isn't that all that matters? The rest of the team had already arrived in Lima at midnight. I guess that's important too!