Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bible Action Figures

How many times have we heard that children learn through play? If you have kids, or have been around kids for any length of time then you've seen this played out (no pun actually intended, but I'm thrilled it just popped out!) Little Man has been into role playing now for almost a year, usually by himself while playing with his toys.

About a month ago he even played "Daddy" while my husband played the part of the son. We were actually amazed at what a good Daddy he was, putting his "son" to bed, tucking him in, saying prayers and singing a "lullabye"!! I was impressed he actually knew the words to the lullabye I started singing him a few months ago... Taps! (Note to self: Learn the other verses to that song!)

So, this being said, why does the idea of "Biblical action figures" make me squeamish? Oh, David is okay, even Moses and Noah.... But Jesus? I like to think that if Little Man had a Jesus doll, that he would act out all the stuff he learns at church. Maybe all of Jesus' teachings would get reinforced through this kind of role play.

I certainly would like to think that the Jesus doll would always act appropriately, and never attack Little Man's baby brother, Lumpadump. Jesus Doll would always be clothed, never stand on the kitchen table, and never hurt other dolls or fly carelessly through the air. But come on!!! Let's get real!

We are told in the Bible not to make any "idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above".... Yet how often have you seen pictures of Jesus in church? Or in people's homes? Or in cards? Or in the Bible? Is this idolatry? How can we reconcile this? I confess, I've just never felt comfortable with these images of Jesus that pop up from time to time. And now there's a doll with (supposedly) his image. Ick!

I'm not even going to discuss what kind of future therapy younger siblings might need after they get beat up by big brother's Jesus Doll... That's a whole 'nother post!


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at your last paragraph regarding therapy! :)

Amanda said...

That is an interesting would be unrealistic to expect that the Jesus doll would always act "appropriately." If you would like to encourage role play of Bible stories, maybe you could model for him just using some random doll or playing the parts yourselves. Don't really know what the answer is though...I'm gonna have to think about this one some more!

Anonymous said...

Idol: Image worshiped as a god.
If your not worshipping this image and just treating it as what it is: a toy, then it wouldn't be idolatry.