Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday:Bible Study

Since I'm in Bible study mode.. or at least I should be and will be in a few minutes.. my Tip O' the Day is a Bible study tip. Some of my best studies have actually been word studies. I will pick a word in the Bible that I'm interested in (eg: grace or cleave), and will track it through a chapter, a book or even through the whole Bible. These studies really stick in my mind for some reason.

Anyway, for this reason, I always read my Bible with pens and dry highlighters in hand. When I am reading through a particular book or chapter where a key word or phrase is repeated I highlight it in some way. It keeps me alert to the subject matter, helps me to remember what I read and where I found it. Plus years later whenever I come across a highlighted page, I can tell what the main ideas are at a glance .

Well, that's what works for me!! Do you have a Bible study tip that works for you? I'd love to hear it! :) To see even more tips, go visit Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer!

1 comment:

Polly said...

Hi! Thanks for your comment! I love making lists! It is a great joy to me--even though it gets me ridiculed by my husband. :)

I love this Bible study tip! What a great idea! Right now I'm doing a DVD Bible Study-esque thing (the Alpha Course, brilliant) and I love the idea of highlighting the repeated phrases in the Bible passages...really neat.