Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Giving thanks for my hubbie!

Have you ever had one of those weeks where life seems to conspire against you? I'm having one. I'm actually having a few... in a row. I'm inclined to rant and whine about it, but whenever I'm tempted, I realize even the most frustrating aspects of what I'm going through are nothing compared to what some people are going through.

Tomorrow is my due date to give birth to my second son. My first son, Little Man, was 19 days early. It was quite a surprise at the time. We were TOTALLY unprepared. I was determined that would NOT happen this time around and so I decided THIS TIME we'd be prepared.... by the end of October. I'm telling you... right down to finishing Christmas shopping and birthday shopping.... EVERYTHING had to be done!

Can you see where this is going? I totally psyched myself out... expected the baby by Nov 3rd.... And now here it is, almost 3 weeks later... and I'm still waiting. Waiting is hard enough, with all the physical limitations of being "great with child", but on top of it, Little Man has been consistently sick for about a month and a half. A cold, a sinus infection, a cough that won't quit, a fever and now a virus.

On Monday, we dropped Little Man off with a friend and drove to the hospital thinking the birth of our son was imminent, but after 2 hours, we were sent home. The contractions, while regular were not strong enough to be productive. We were sure we'd be back in a few hours, but we scheduled an appointment to be induced this morning anyway.

In the meantime, the big-brother-to-be came down with a fever/bad cough, and had a really rough night, as we all did. He had about 3 hours of sleep. I had about 4 and the Hubbie had about 5... Little Man heard me getting ready at 5:30, and so he got up. Then, as we were getting ready to leave for the hospital, I saw Little Man all curled up in a fetal position on our rocker-recliner, asleep in front of the news. This NEVER happens!! Sleep? When the "TD" is on? What?!!! He was obviously really sick and it didn't seem right to just drop him off and go have another child. So we decided to cancel the inducement. (My sister tells me I'm the only one she knows that says she can wait to be induced a few more days! LOL!!)

My hubbie is my hero! He made the final call and the actual calls, because I just felt like if I didn't go through with the induction I was letting everyone down. But the bottom line was that I kept thinking that if I had known yesterday what was going to transpire in the next 20 hours, I wouldn't have scheduled the inducement. But this morning I felt like I was over a barrel and that everyone "needed" me to go ahead with it. So now I'm just hoping that I don't ruin someone's Thanksgiving by going into the hospital on Thursday! So I'm praying that the baby waits till Friday, when--hopefully--Little Man will be on the mend, and Hubbie's work schedule will be a little more flexible, and everyone will have had quality family and turkey time!! :)

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