Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Singing Bible

One of the best things that might have come out of our homeschooling experiment has been "The Singing Bible". It's from Focus on the Family, and was recommended by a book called "Little Hands to Heaven", which I am planning on using with my younger son next year.

The Singing Bible has over 50 songs on 4 CD's, and basically goes thru all the major themes of the Bible in a kid friendly format. The tunes are all catchy and educational while being fun. Love this one and so do the kids. If you are looking for a new way to teach your kids the Bible, you should definitely check it out. :) We got our copy from at a very reasonable price. I like to keep it in the car and pop it in when we're just driving around.


Anonymous said...

I am always looking for more CDs...tell me about the book, Littla Hands to Heaven.

Did I tell you we bought the boys the One Year Pre-school it!!

Grace Whisperer said...

Oooo... The Little Blessings one? Yay! I'm so glad you love it. :)

Little hands to Heaven is a preschool curriculum for ages 2-5. But it is good just for ideas of activities for your kids or for teaching at church... Take a look at the website: It's a bit pricey, but I got mine off of eBay, brand new for about $25, I think.

I'm the kind of person that kind of needs to use other people's ideas for my kids. :) I haven't used this yet, but that's my plan for "next year", which will probably start in June. :)