Saturday, June 10, 2006

Keeping an eye on eBay

I need to stop going on rants and saving them as drafts. In my head, I've posted a blog, but as I look back at the dates I actually posted something, I realize I haven't posted in a week!! Too sad!

Well, our paper recently put a local lady on the front page because she was selling the right to change her last name on eBay. Must have been a slow news day. You can read the story yourself if you're interested, but the gist of it was that she is auctioning off her last name for a starting bid of $25,000!

Part of me is impressed by her creativity and her desire to supplement her husband's salary, while staying home with the kids. The other part of me is amazed at someone being so willing to hand over control of something so personal as her name!! I'm not sure I could ever do that. (Kind of reminds me of the Friends episode where Phoebe changed her married name to Princess Consuela Banna Hammock!)

Anyway, I guess I have eBay on the brain, because I've been watching quite a few items this week. After all this devouring of all things related to potty training, I started looking online for deals on training pants. Yep!! No Huggies or Pampers Pull-up pants for us. I've tried them. They haven't worked for our little guy. They just keep him too dry. Although, I see that Huggies just came out with a "cool alert" pull-up that I just might try to get the ball rolling or for when we are travelling.

I was just over at MommyLife and Barb Curtis seemed to know I had eBay on the brain and sent me here to hear the eBay song by Weird Al Yankovic. :) I've always loved that man, and I actually saw a bit of myself in this song, so it gave me a good chuckle!


Unknown said...

you're a GREAT mom. i love the way you research things and look for the very best interests for your son (and baby on the way).
Go Heather! Go Heather! Go, go, go Heather!

Grace Whisperer said...

Awww, shucks!! :)